Sunday 29 April 2007

Lonesome no more

There have been a few changes to the Knowlege Politics website recently, and we'd like to give people a brief explanation. First of all, we've decided against providing a news service on the site. With our resources severely stretched, the news coverage was taken up most of our time - and we didn't think we added much value to what was already available elsewhere on the web.

So we're focusing efforts on what we always wanted our core business to be - providing access to a wide range of information society resources for researchers interested in this area. Some of these resources will be those we directly produce, and we have interesting plans for publications on localism and on the Finnish model in the near future. And - let this be the start of the rumour - we are making provisional plans to launch our own online journal.

As for the external resources (still, I believe, our main priority), we have redesigned the way visitors can access these. There is now a dedicated Gateway page on the site. This is the direct route for anyone looking for new research, links elsewhere or details on events.

Of course the day to day news still matters to us. But instead of telling visitors things they already know, we're going to concentrate on responding to new stories, in particular through this blog. We hope to be posting on a more regular basis - in our comfortable new surroundings - and to make this a more integral part of our work.


RIP Kurt Vonnegut. Thanks for the logo.

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